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How Engineers Create the World

The Public Radio Commentaries
of Bill Hammack

In over 200 delightful short essays - over 422 pages! - Bill captures the creativity and impact of engineers. He talks of their spectacular achievements - jets, satellites, skyscrapers, and fiber optics; but draws his deepest insights from the everyday, the quotidian. He finds beauty, elegance and meaning in Ferris wheels, Tupperware, Slinkys, mood rings, waterless urinals and Velcro. Delivered originally on public radio between 1999 and 2006, each essay is a small slice of the world created by engineers. Science Magazine captured their spirit best: "Bill Hammack can rhapsodize over the clever design of a soda can or a Scotch tape dispenser .... His light, often humorous essays also provide insight into the cultural forces that speed or hamper the acceptance of new products and the inventors' often unexpected sources of inspiration." The essays also illuminate and inform about the important topics of our day by showing how intertwined engineering and technology are with terrorism, security, intellectual property and our cultural legacy. Learn where to buy the book and what's inside — also you can review the books metadata.

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What's inside the book

Book Details (metadata)

How engineers create the world
Bill Hammack's public radio commentaries
Bill Hammack
422 pages | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Paper | ISBN 978-0-983-96610-4 | $15.99
eBook | ISBN 978-0-983-96611-1 | $4.99
Audience 01 — General Trade
TEC009000 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Engineering (General)
SCI000000 SCIENCE / General

Where to buy this book
paperback Amazon | Barnes & Noble
ebook Kindle | Apple iBooks | Nook | Kobo |

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Description In over 200 delightful short essays Bill captures the creativity and impact of engineers. He talks of their spectacular achievements - jets, satellites, skyscrapers, and fiber optics—but draws his deepest insights from the everyday, the quotidian. He finds beauty, elegance and meaning in Ferris wheels, Tupperware, Slinkys, mood rings, waterless urinals and Velcro. Delivered originally on public radio between 1999 and 2006, each essay is a small slice of the world created by engineers. The essays also illuminate and inform about the important topics of our day by showing how intertwined engineering and technology are with terrorism, security, intellectual property and our cultural legacy.